Sunday, November 18, 2012


The potential and significance of being able to create different kinds of maps is that we can have different ways of viewing the terrain of the ground in a map. The 3D image of the map is the final product of all the other maps that were represented in this lab. The 3D image that was created helps us view the map more clearly with more precise details in it, which means it shows more details about the steepness of the terrain of the ground in our map. The aspect - slope map’s significance on the other hand, helps us show the direction and degree of the slope of a terrain in the map, which also helps us see the surface of the ground in our map easier. The aspect – slope map also helps us see the steeper slopes in the map by showing it with brighter colors. The hillshade model map helps analyze a better digital elevation model of the map before simulating it into a 3 Dimensional terrain map. It also gives the map a good look of the map’s terrain. Therefore, all these three maps that were created helps us view the terrain or surface of the ground in the map more clearly by showing us how steep a terrain is or how flat it is by using different colors to show the steepness of the terrain.  

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